AFC Discover You workbook…
Download this workbook and start working on yourself! Print everything out and place it in a binder! Time for you to work on yourself. Take 22 min a day to work on this workbook.
AFC Discover You workbook…
Download this workbook and start working on yourself! Print everything out and place it in a binder! Time for you to work on yourself. Take 22 min a day to work on this workbook.
Valued at over $85, this package includes:
Comprehensive Workbook (download )
20-minute Coaching Session (via phone/video call)
1-month Email Support
Your strengths and passions
Your inner potential
Clarity and confidence
When the number sequence 4444 appears repeatedly, it is an indication that you are surrounded by your angels. The angels are at your side to reassure you of their presence, love and help. Your angels are watching out for you and supporting you in your work and day to day life. They encourage you to continue working towards your goals and aspirations as success and achievement are ahead of you.
AFC Discover You workbook…
Download this workbook and start working on yourself! Print everything out and place it in a binder! Time for you to work on yourself. Take 22 min a day to work on this workbook.
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